Ontario Society for Working Equitation

Promoting the sport of Working Equitation in Ontario, Canada through, education, community, clinics and show opportunities
Meet our Licensed Officials
The following members of OSWE have undergone training with World Association for Working Equitation Senior Judges, and fulfilled the requirements to officiate the sport of Working Equitation at OSWE shows or events in Ontario, Canada.
OSWE shows require a Judge and Technical Delegate.
In order to apply to the OSWE Licensed Officials Program you must be an OSWE member.

Lise LeBlanc - Judge 'L' '
Lise is a founding member and President of Ontario Society for Working Equitation. She is a life long learner and rider of many disciplines. She is also a breeder and trainer of Canadian Horses and Canadian/Iberian Warmbloods in Ontario, Canada. She has extensive background in French Classical Dressage over the past 20 years. In the past 7 years, she has expanded her focus towards Working Equitation. She has traveled internationally to study with Senior USAWE and WAWE judges, and has assisted and managed international Working Equitation events. Lise is passionate about building the WE community by helping to develop, build and promote the sport of Working Equitation in Eastern North America. She is President of Ontario Society for Working Equitation in Ontario, Canada. In addition to being an OSWE Judge, Lise is a licensed Judge with WECan 'L' , and is working towards her USAWE judging license.
Lise can be contacted for assignments and clinics via her website:

Gisela Mantler - Judge 'L' '
Gisela is a WE enthusiast and has been running clinics and workshops to introduce and promote WE at their farm, Symphony Stables near Leamington ON since 2018. WE is part of their daily training program at Symphony. She has a very keen eye for detail and precision which she gladly shares with her students. Gisela completed the Judge training with International S. WAWE Judge, António Vicente in may 2023, and has been working to promote building Working Equitation in SW Ontario and judging shows since. OSWE is fortunate to have the support of Gisela Mantler in building the sport in Ontario!

Cathy Dias - Judge 'L''
Cathy Dias is the Vice President of OSWE. She runs a boarding facility in Uxbridge ON, where she breeds and trains Iberian horses. Cathy has been practicing Working Equitation for over 10 years and very excited to see the sport grow here in Ontario. With her experience training in the sport, Cathy brings a lot to OSWE as a licensed official. We are lucky to have her experience on our team!

Janet Keith - Judge 'L''
Janet has vast experience judging Ontario dressage and western dressage shows over the past several years. She is a delightful judge with a superb eye. Janet enjoys helping riders by giving excellent feedback and support for their goals. She was very excited to work with S. WAWE judge António Vicente to learn all about the sport and to join the OSWE Working Equitation officials team. We are excited and thankful to have Janet as one of our Judges

Janet Henderson - Judge 'L'
Janet is an experienced horse show judge with six licenses: Arabian horse judge with National/Regional status with the Arabian Horse Association, R status with the United States Equestrian Federation, Equestrian Canada as a senior national Arabian judge, senior basic dressage, and r status for hunter, hack, hunt seat equitation and saddle seat equitation.
Janet travels throughout North America judging horse shows and helping riders.
Education is an ongoing passion for Janet who believes learning is a lifelong journey so she is very excited to be helping to support the growth of Working Equitation in Ontario.
Muriel Chestnut - Judge 'L''
Muriel Chestnut is a practitioner of Légèreté over 20 years and an Iberian Horse breeder. She bring a wealth of knowledge about Spanish equestrian culture and horses along with a solid background of French Classcial Dressage. Muriel was very excited to take the judges training program with S. WAWE judge, António Vicente and excited to upport the growth of Working Equitation in Ontario, both as an official and as a rider!

Lindsay Grice - Judge 'L''
Lindsay enjoys judging for multiple breeds and disciplines. She’s an EC freelance riding coach and clinician in equitation science: horse behaviour and learning.
Lindsay holds judging cards with: AQHA, Equestrian Canada. She’s a provincial
Hunter/Jumper judge, provincial Dressage judge and also judges multiple breeds,
Extreme Cowboy and Mountain Trail/obstacle events. She’s taught classes and seminars in equitation science for courses offered by University of Guelph, equine associations and therapeutic riding facilities.
For more information, visit her site www.LindsayGriceRidingCoach.com.
Email Lindsay@lindsaygriceridingcoach.com
Orangeville, Ontario.

Karen Briggs - Judge 'L''
OSWE is thrilled and fortunate to add Karen Briggs to our list of officials Graduate from the OSWE Judge seminar with Senior WAWE judge (POR) António Vicente. Karen has been judging Dressage, Eventing, Western Dressage and many other
equestrian disciplines for many years. As well as being an experienced show judge, Karen is the author of several equine publications. Karen began shadow judging Working Equitation in 2022 and completed the coursework with OSWE this spring at the Can/Am Working Equitation EXPO
OSWE is honoured to have Karen on our team. Please join me in welcoming Karen to our community! Congratulations, Karen!

Doreen Atkinson - Guest Judge -Senior 'S '
Texas, USA
USAWE Senior Judge
Doreen is a Senior judge for United States Association for Working Equitation. She has been involved and competed in Working Equitation since 2012, served on the board for USAWE and Chaired the Licensed Officials Committee for 3 years. Competitively, Doreen is a Master’s level rider and has earned a platinum medal in Working Equitation, a USDF Bronze and Silver medal, and several Regional and National championships in dressage, western dressage and competitive trail competitions. Doreen is an enthusiastic ambassador for Working Equitation and eager to help promote the sport at all levels. She finds Working Equitation to be an excellent combination of horse sports that is exciting, rewarding and challenging for both horse and rider. Doreen has travelled all over North America and internationally to conduct clinics and judge Working Equitation, including scribing for Senior WAWE judge, António Vicente, at the 2023 Working Equitation World Championships at Les Herbiers, France. Doreen looks forward to more adventures in Working Equitation, and to helping grow the sport.

Antonio Vicente - Guest Judge -
WAWE Senior 'S '
António is an ambassador to Working Equitation having trained judges all over the world over the last 20 years. A veterinarian and professor of veterinary Medicine he is a passionate teacher and always willing to help with education and officiating shows. António is a WAWE Senior judge and one of the judges of the World Working Equitation Championship at Les Herbier France in 20222. We are honoured to have António as a mentor to our Judges.

Amanda Lamoureux - Judge ' L '
New Hampshire, USA
USAWE Technical Delegate
Amanda Lamoureux discovered working equitation in 2018 and jumped in with both feet. She traveled to Texas that fall for a licensed officials training at the first USA national championship. She became a USA WE licensed Technical Delegate in 2019 and her show season that year concluded with reserve champion at the 2019 USA National championships in levels 1 and 2 open. She has been TD or show manager at many shows since. She also shows her horses in Working Equitation in the northeast USA. Before starting working equitation Amanda had a background that started with classical dressage and branched into eventing, gymkhana, and ranch riding at different times so she has a very broad and well rounded background. Amanda loves to teach clinics and is a supportive and encouraging judge and clinician.

Stephanie Hayes - Guest Judge
Vermont, USA
Contact information coming soon

Theresa Rondeau Vuk - Technical Delegate
EC-NCCP Certified and Licensed Competition Coach
NCCP Equestrian Coach Developer/Evaluator
NCCP Certified Learning Facilitator (Equine)
EC Learn to Ride Evaluator
OSWE Technical Delegate
CPC National B Examiner (Senior), WORPC Vice-Chair
EC/ProChaps Coach of the Year Recipient (2012)
A graduate of the Humber College Equine Management program, and Universtiy of Guelph in Animal science BAchelor of Science program, Theresa has extenisve experience in horse sport and program development. She is Certified and Licensed Competition Coach, Theresa specializes in developing riders of all ages through sound basic principles of balanced and centered riding focusing on core strength techniques and riding in harmony with your horse through feeling and mental awareness. Theresa actively supports the Canadian Pony Club and the Western Ontario Region (WOR) acting as a clinician and a National examiner and WOR Vice-Chair. She is She is a certified NCCP- EC Coach Developer and actively participates in life-long professional development through NCCP courses, rider clinics, and equine training opportunities.
Theresa is working to connect all disciplines in the equine industry for the betterment of the horse.

Cheryl Quast - Technical Delegate
Cheryl Quast is the OSWE secretary. She is very busy working behind the scenes moving OSWE forward, and is working on every project. Her commitment to building opportunities in Ontario is unmatched. Cheryl is very excited to have completed the Technical Delegate program with S. USAWE judge, Doreen Atkinson. When Cheryl is not competing with her gorgeous Andalusian/Spotted Draft horse, Fraser, she is helping or working as TD. We are fortunate to have Cheryl as part of our OSWE team!

Susan Aldis - Technical Delegate
Susan has worked in the horse industry for over 40 years and has competed in several disciplines including; hunter, jumper, reining, driving (heavy team double as well as mini horse single) western and english dressage, endurance and side saddle and even represented Canada at the USET in Gladstone NJ. Susan brings her wealth of experience and extensive background in competition to OSWE in her role as TD.